For years I didn’t know what I wanted to do as a career. I’ve always been a competent public speaker and I have a huge love for fashion brands. After graduating high school I wasn’t entirely sure what degree to pick, so I picked a very vague Arts degree. I stepped out of university still totally unsure of what field I wanted to work in and found myself in competition with other graduates. To make money I was hosting events at the local nightclub. One night a woman came in and asked who was in charge of the publicity for the club. Long story short, she was a manager at a public relations company and was impressed with the work I was doing and offered me a junior position. I took the role and about five months in I realised I hated it. I decided to resign. While I was feeling bummed by this decision, my friend suggested that we both start our own PR company together and only work with brands that we both like.
We found a lovely space to rent out as an office and hired an office design expert based in Melbourne to help us with our office layout. Things really seemed like they were on the up at this point. It was hard to build a client base so my friend started making cold reach-outs to brands online and offering them a free publicity package. Many were happy to participate. This helped grow our client base and increase our intake. As we got busier, we decided to add more office fitouts. Melbourne is highly competitive when it comes to PR so we wanted our office to stand out. Ever since, we receive non-stop compliments about our beautiful office.